This was a surprisingly engaging book. I opened it with the intent to skim it quickly, and ended up savoring every page. Much like Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love this is a memoir that reads like a novel. A bonus for sailors is her candor in describing the emotions that can accompany a sailing voyage, from how she feels about her crew, to the joys and terrors of an ocean crossing. 


She shares personal things about herself that many wouldn’t share with a close friend, which makes for a fascinating read. Her openness in describing her relationships is sometimes jaw-dropping. The descriptions of sailboat equipment for the non-sailor, such as comparing a furling headsail to a spindle and roll of toilet paper, are delightful.


I haven’t finished this book yet. It will fly with me in a few days to the Caribbean, where I can read it in parallel with my yearly live-aboard teaching experience. I can’t wait to find out how the ocean crossing went, what other cool tropical animals she will introduce me to, and if she gets back together with her husband at the end. 


Gilmore is principal of Sail Away Sailing School, LLC in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She can be reached at [email protected]